Friday, July 10, 2009

If I had three wishes, I would

1) My first wish is that I could have magical powers
So I cold do anything I want.

2) My second wish is that I could have a twin sister
So we can trick other people into thinking that we are someone else!

3)My final wish is that I could be the richest person in the world!

But unfortunately those days would never come.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why I am in Nepal?

My name is Prachi Pradhan.
I was born in Nepal. I stayed in Nepal for about 5 years.Back then I used to go to Bella International School. In USA in Maryland.I stayed about 4 years.When I came back to Nepal I was exited at first but after 2 days
I found out that it was a bad idea and was
more dirtier than I had expected.I go to Shuvatara School now. I am unfortunatelly still stuck in boring old Nepal.